

November 18th, 2018

SilentV has drawn 42 drawings and authored 306 captions across 348 games. They follow 4 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 314 emotes!


Commented in the game Cucumber

Commented in the game Worm Exploring

Commented in the game Desk Sculptor

Commented in the game If god was a animal

Commented in the game Engineer

Commented in the game Fishing for Bitcoin

Commented in the game Person walking bacwards in crowd

Commented in the game Draw in Indigo Sqaure's Style (PIO)

Commented in the game Favorite Detective

Commented in the game the schroedinger's cat

Commented in the game The next game theory

Commented in the game Ralsei on the Iron Throne

Commented in the game A Sexy Spider Girl With Depression

Commented in the game A Sexy Spider Girl With Depression

Commented in the game Jail

Commented in the game Desk Sculptor

Commented in the game A Sexy Spider Girl With Depression

Commented in the game Japan

Commented in the game I Want To Break Free!