

November 19th, 2018   i use caps unnecessarily

ryuko has drawn 416 drawings and authored 349 captions across 765 games. They follow 126 players and have 289 followers. They've earned a total of 4,064 emotes!


Commented in the game Long furby? Why not LONG SHELBY?

Commented in the game blood moon

Commented in the game Diavolo Death #420

Commented in the game pokemon fusion!

Commented in the game Pet Cereal

Commented in the game water sheep

Commented in the game Creeper...

Commented in the game carcass and cadaver

Commented in the game Three headed fire breathing cat

Commented in the game Support Group for Old Memes

Commented in the game Is this the real life? (cont)

Commented in the game This is my 1000th game!

Commented in the game Rat Painting

Commented in the game Garfield eating meat

Commented in the game Creeper, Aww Man

Commented in the game Creeper, Aww Man

Commented in the game A Capitalist Goat

Commented in the game Strawberry Milk