Commented in the game Walrus

ah.. seeing this makes me happy since im a dangan fan
but panel 3 does not.
you can have your opinion buddy, but i would hope you realize that insulting that character is super similar to putting like
"badly drawn [insert here]" or something
what im trying to say is you can have your opinion but panel 3 is really rude ngl
im not offended or anything im just disappointed :/
either way cool game! lol so many banana goirls
Commented in the game Happy Birthday Komaru Naegi!!

i forgot how do draw a peacock
so the fact this stayed consistent and that people got it makes me really really happy aaaaaa
Commented in the game Peacock

panel 11 is literally something i relate to personally
oh my god thats amazing
this jdkj this whole thing is beautifkl
Commented in the game Larry vs Barry

every interpretation of this is hilarious.
this made my morning oh my goD
(its 5 am eastern usa for me lol)
Commented in the game Sans feels Aaron's muscles (Undertale)

all i could think of was the one song
and oh my god "angry conductor grandma"
im crYIng
Commented in the game City

@Boiling Potatoes i love it
i love it so muchdsjkdshkjg
Commented in the game Free Draw

boiling potatoes
orion constellation?
Commented in the game Free Draw

@Poopinferinder the first drawing had me laughing, and the caption next to it just-
oh my god this was a glorious af game i wish i was a part of it dkfgj
Commented in the game poyo

im so concerned for so many different reasons
Commented in the game poyo

someone took it back to thanos-
thank you so much i would've felt so bad if it changed its course
Commented in the game Thanos goes to Glove World

this is beautiful oh my god
at the time i saw the prompt i had just played dsaf 3
and was thinking about davetrap
it fit perfectly and i couldnt be happier with the outcome of this game
Commented in the game Let me in! LET ME IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-

cries because i spelled shuichi wrong on accident
Commented in the game K1-B0 (Danganronpa V3)

this game was 10000% worth the ducks oh my loRD
Commented in the game "ENTERTAIN ME PEASANTS!" -Kokichi

@DeathByTodoroki OMG
Dude I never got this reference but now that I got into danganronpa I GET THIS ODGFHSGJH
Commented in the game Kaneki from tokyo ghoul

this was so cute oml
i love it
adorable af
Commented in the game Android Beard

this game was so much fun
part of me still feels a bit bad tho
because i drew bigjigglypanda
and the word "panda"
i just
i m so sorry
but i love this itss wholesome af
Commented in the game Mysterious Teddy Bear Detective

best repressentation of miscommunication LMFAO
Commented in the game Starry eyed

this was super fun tho ngl lmaO
Commented in the game Boss, you killed a child

Commented in the game SQUIP (bmc)
I could not even begin to contemplate how to even draw the panel I was given.
I'm happy people got the message and reported the caption.
fun game lmao