

November 29th, 2018

wtfluffy has drawn 167 drawings and authored 318 captions across 485 games. They follow 2 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 501 emotes!


Commented in the game Ben swolo with the infinity gauntlet

Commented in the game VVVVVV

Commented in the game Overwatch

Commented in the game VVVVVV

Commented in the game EXO

Commented in the game Damselfly

Commented in the game Lesingefou is a philosopher

Commented in the game Ant Dreaming

Commented in the game Rabbit Playing

Commented in the game Skeleton

Commented in the game Looking at phone on bed in the dark

Commented in the game My Neighbor Totoro

Commented in the game Thanos Porn

Commented in the game Wingdings font

Commented in the game Tornado Snow Storm

Commented in the game Mankey arm wrestling a monkey

Commented in the game the yellmo meme is dead

Commented in the game Toy Packaging