
Comical samantha

December 16th, 2018   somewhere, drinking choccy milk

Comical samantha has drawn 3,299 drawings and authored 276 captions across 3,575 games. They follow 14 players and have 471 followers. They've earned a total of 13,864 emotes!


Commented in the game HoW dO yOu KnOw WhAt'S gOoD fOr mE?

Commented in the game A crate.

Commented in the game Boku No Hero Academia

Commented in the game Easter eggs

Commented in the game Silly Bison

Commented in the game Japanese candy

Commented in the game Trapped in your own world

Commented in the game MrBeast

Commented in the game Sailfish from the Attic

Commented in the game Chestception

Commented in the game Fist risen in revolution

Commented in the game Drawception is a bee

Commented in the game Fire in ice

Commented in the game astronaut kidnaps astronaut

Commented in the game Free Draw, but only use 3 colors

Commented in the game Drinking tears in grade school

Commented in the game Pale Closet

Commented in the game Drinking tears in grade school

Commented in the game Drinking tears in grade school