

December 20th, 2018   @DragzX_ on Twitter | DragzX_YT on Roblox

DragzX has drawn 56 drawings and authored 59 captions across 115 games. They follow 292 players and have 41 followers. They've earned a total of 340 emotes!


Commented in the game A Refreshing Drink

Commented in the game A Refreshing Drink

Commented in the game A Refreshing Drink

Commented in the game A Refreshing Drink

Commented in the game Crack addict

Commented in the game Step 1 Inflate Sonic

Commented in the game Step 1 Inflate Sonic

Commented in the game Scottish Peach

Commented in the game Rocket

Commented in the game Funny Lobster

Commented in the game Jesus surfing on a fish

Commented in the game Earthworm Weightlifting

Commented in the game Lord of the Crosswalk

Commented in the game Orc Fishing

Commented in the game Orc Fishing