

December 24th, 2018

jjsketch has drawn 432 drawings and authored 783 captions across 1,215 games. They follow 3 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 1,261 emotes!


Commented in the game Why are there so many ducks?

Commented in the game The goddess of light

Commented in the game A Cool Skull

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Duck saying Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game A Cool Skull

Commented in the game E(f)A

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries

Commented in the game Pewdiepie vs Tseries