

January 7th, 2019

KillerDark has drawn 542 drawings and authored 546 captions across 1,088 games. They follow 51 players and have 86 followers. They've earned a total of 3,675 emotes!


Commented in the game Milkshake

Commented in the game Walmart is stupid

Commented in the game It’s almost june

Commented in the game Adventures of an eyeball

Commented in the game Shrek and his wholesome grandmother

Commented in the game creeper, oh man

Commented in the game the big bang

Commented in the game Sonic Rainboo...meow?

Commented in the game Sonic Rainboo...meow?

Commented in the game new sonic movie

Commented in the game SCP-106

Commented in the game Lizard Paladin

Commented in the game Zion National Park

Commented in the game The new sonic movie and will smith

Commented in the game R.I.P Grumpy cat

Commented in the game [panel removed]

Commented in the game It's almost summer

Commented in the game It's almost summer