

April 7th, 2012   Code::Blocks

vyruss has drawn 378 drawings and authored 147 captions across 525 games. They follow 34 players and have 86 followers. They've earned a total of 3,375 emotes!


Commented in the game Mega Man 1 was SO FRUSTRATING

Commented in the game Cammy White

Commented in the game Maddox

Commented in the game Power up!

Commented in the game Tupac never died

Commented in the game Bananaphone

Commented in the game Sonic vs Mario

Commented in the game The chat gem works!

Commented in the game Batman & Pacman vs the World

Commented in the game Batman & Pacman vs the World

Commented in the game Batman & Pacman vs the World

Commented in the game The "Angry Birds" become Happy

Commented in the game Blues man gone wild

Commented in the game Day of the Tentacle

Commented in the game Day of the Tentacle

Commented in the game Teen Girl Squad