

January 26th, 2019   Lithuania

HeroIsLoading has drawn 52 drawings and authored 33 captions across 85 games. They follow 15 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 53 emotes!


Commented in the game Clownfish

Commented in the game Dr. Seuss style King

Commented in the game Stinky Bathroom

Commented in the game Rattlesnake Programmer

Commented in the game Programmer in a Museum

Commented in the game Programmer in a Museum

Commented in the game Cat in the Hat Reading

Commented in the game Doctor Drawing

Commented in the game Winnie the Pooh vs Hulk

Commented in the game Pigception

Commented in the game Alarm Clock

Commented in the game Elder Scrolls

Commented in the game Actor enjoying Heaven

Commented in the game Ostrich

Commented in the game Flat Doctor

Commented in the game Bob Ross Flying

Commented in the game Most Popular Weather

Commented in the game Kitty Eating

Commented in the game Lime vs Penguin

Commented in the game Baby