

February 27th, 2019

150lation has drawn 53 drawings and authored 33 captions across 86 games. They follow 15 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 153 emotes!


Commented in the game King Julien

Commented in the game Squirtle Squad!

Commented in the game Step 1: PROTECC

Commented in the game OFF by Mortis Ghost

Commented in the game no one: me: I'M STRESSED!!!

Commented in the game Calvin and hobbes (comic)

Commented in the game Cloudberry Guard

Commented in the game Sesame Street Fighter II

Commented in the game Sokka sippin cactus juice

Commented in the game Sokka sippin cactus juice

Commented in the game Sokka sippin cactus juice

Commented in the game Sokka sippin cactus juice

Commented in the game First Place Emoji

Commented in the game First Place Emoji

Commented in the game Vespiquen