

April 8th, 2012   South Hadley, Massachusetts

Cassondra has drawn 31 drawings and authored 24 captions across 55 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 63 emotes!

A chemical reaction Apr 8th, 2012
Earth on flames do to Wicca Guys Apr 8th, 2012
Easter Bunny takes over the world Apr 8th, 2012
Never say 'no' to Panda, you bastard! Apr 8th, 2012
dinosaur dominatrix whips gagged angry wolf Apr 8th, 2012
batman nonphased by mister muscles Apr 8th, 2012
80's Time/Cyberspace travel. Apr 8th, 2012
Brown man dreams of going viking Apr 8th, 2012
Rocket goes to warp 9 Apr 8th, 2012
mother dragon is displeased with her child Apr 8th, 2012
Ant with beak holding tablets of stone Apr 8th, 2012
Pulling a Leroy Jenkins in WoW w/some chicken. Apr 8th, 2012
Johnny Bravo fights evil robot lady Apr 8th, 2012