
Komaedas Hope Bagels

March 22nd, 2019   you’ll never see it coming! ~

Komaedas Hope Bagels has drawn 74 drawings and authored 130 captions across 204 games. They follow 12 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 273 emotes!


Commented in the game Draw With Your Non-Dominant Hand!

Commented in the game #duckrights (search it up)

Commented in the game Eggman has an announcement to make.

Commented in the game Step 1: Acquire infinity gauntlet

Commented in the game Jirachiiiiii

Commented in the game Danganronpa Spoiler

Commented in the game Joker (Persona 5)

Commented in the game Morgana (Persona 5)

Commented in the game Jirachi martini

Commented in the game Dangit Grampa: 2 Goodbye Dishbar

Commented in the game Dangit Grampa: 2 Goodbye Dishbar

Commented in the game Dangit Grampa: 2 Goodbye Dishbar

Commented in the game village ruins

Commented in the game Duolingo Bird but it's Sans

Commented in the game Eyy b0ss

Commented in the game Eyy b0ss

Commented in the game Buff leg He-man

Commented in the game rEEEeeeEEeEe

Commented in the game The puppet masters.