

April 15th, 2019   Denmark

lulanovka has drawn 247 drawings and authored 143 captions across 390 games. They follow 22 players and have 15 followers. They've earned a total of 1,024 emotes!

Water going down a drain Apr 11th, 2020
sleazy banana Apr 11th, 2020
OH YEAH MR KRABS Apr 11th, 2020
hairy villain with mustache and purple bra Apr 11th, 2020
Charmander with target on head Apr 11th, 2020
to make a cake you need the ingredients Apr 11th, 2020
Aluminummm Person! Apr 11th, 2020
Spam Apr 11th, 2020
orange noodles wid face in the sky Apr 9th, 2020
Snake wraps around a buff tree branch Apr 9th, 2020
Pink guy holding toilet seats Apr 9th, 2020
Hungry worms wants food from it's ghast mom Apr 9th, 2020
Lupin the 3rd Jan 6th, 2020
Furry Stormtrooper Jan 5th, 2020
One of the members in TheRockrRuberDucz Jan 5th, 2020
Mischievous pink cat says yee-haw Jan 5th, 2020
Rug in a Monsoon Jan 5th, 2020
satan punishes person for cussing Jan 5th, 2020