

May 2nd, 2019

NuuuYuu has drawn 1,364 drawings and authored 986 captions across 2,350 games. They follow 1,529 players and have 224 followers. They've earned a total of 5,167 emotes!


Commented in the game School sucks

Commented in the game Nail wearing Gloves

Commented in the game Nail wearing Gloves

Commented in the game Hyena wearing Shoes

Commented in the game Eveelutions (pokemon)

Commented in the game Varrick (Legend of Korra)

Commented in the game Anything from Purple Haze Feedback

Commented in the game Warrior cats Tunderclan

Commented in the game Detroit: Become Human

Commented in the game Bongo Cat playing the bongos

Commented in the game Tarantula

Commented in the game Slimer

Commented in the game Shrimp with muscular legs

Commented in the game a crow is almost as heavy as a block

Commented in the game Fixing things that weren't problems

Commented in the game Bird with long hair

Commented in the game Flying toaster