

April 8th, 2012   London, United Kingdom

George4881 has drawn 11 drawings and authored 6 captions across 17 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 10 emotes!

the deathstar destroying a plate of jelly Apr 9th, 2012
carcus remains on a snowy mountain Apr 9th, 2012
the number forty 2 Apr 9th, 2012
A flower chatting with a tomato and a salad. Apr 9th, 2012
Accidentally sold trading cards far below value Apr 8th, 2012
Toad VS a die, while toad is wearing a diaper Apr 8th, 2012
Odd-Nosed Man trips out on LSD-Weed Apr 8th, 2012
seal buys green t shirt from roadside stall Apr 8th, 2012
chef ketchem Apr 8th, 2012
Lady and the Tramp sharing pasta moment Apr 8th, 2012
Brown walrus in suit lecturing about oranges Apr 8th, 2012