

June 9th, 2019   Trollface Shrine

betatester1000000 has drawn 177 drawings and authored 611 captions across 788 games. They follow 37 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 1,008 emotes!


Commented in the game Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

Commented in the game someone trying to be quirky!

Commented in the game The most incredible thing...

Commented in the game Creeper, Aww Man

Commented in the game We Are the crystal gems

Commented in the game Sun

Commented in the game Book in a Fire

Commented in the game Motifa destroys the city!

Commented in the game Tiger

Commented in the game Cute Toy

Commented in the game Sunrise

Commented in the game Draw yourself P. I. O

Commented in the game Never in Colour

Commented in the game Things are gonna get GRUesome

Commented in the game cell sintiĆ³ el verdadero terror