

August 4th, 2019

OddGallery has drawn 143 drawings and authored 111 captions across 254 games. They follow 8 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 487 emotes!


Commented in the game Cookie Gun

Commented in the game Witch God

Commented in the game Mario, Link and Samus getting coffee

Commented in the game but y tho

Commented in the game Batman Judge

Commented in the game Raptor pudding

Commented in the game Fish in fishnet stockings

Commented in the game top 10 bruh moments of 2019

Commented in the game nut button

Commented in the game Trap

Commented in the game Peppa Pig eating Mr. Potato

Commented in the game Truck Driver

Commented in the game Monkey and bee combined

Commented in the game Cheese has a beard (again)

Commented in the game Pet Smithy

Commented in the game Frozen Smithy

Commented in the game Drawception game in this game

Commented in the game ZA WALDO