

April 9th, 2012   SE

Lovisa has drawn 16 drawings and authored 6 captions across 22 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 18 emotes!

Guitar heart-broken at verbal abuse Apr 10th, 2012
Pokemon master have chemistry lecture. Formulae. Apr 10th, 2012
Troll face interrupting Obama's speach Apr 9th, 2012
It's always sunny in philadelphia Apr 9th, 2012
Exploding Head Syndrome named best act at Brits Apr 9th, 2012
dad combs the mullet Apr 9th, 2012
Eminem realizes he is not part of Blink 182 Apr 9th, 2012
Skipping class to play drawception Apr 9th, 2012
Colin the Caterpillar cake Apr 9th, 2012
Chuck Norris goes surfing and catches crabs Apr 9th, 2012
Adam & Eve warned by snake not to take apple Apr 9th, 2012
Superman, batman, spiderman v Mario & Dragonball Apr 9th, 2012
Cangoroo putting stuffs duck with choclate bar Apr 9th, 2012