
Mintii in Da House

October 16th, 2019   https://scratch.mit.edu/users/-MintiiChip-/

Mintii in Da House has drawn 51 drawings and authored 56 captions across 107 games. They follow 13 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 304 emotes!


Commented in the game Colorful Icecube

Commented in the game coronavirus the musical

Commented in the game The Next Drawception Trend

Commented in the game Shark Sans and Lava Papyrus

Commented in the game Elmo's other weird cousin omlE

Commented in the game Shrek And Barry B Benson's Child

Commented in the game Shrek And Barry B Benson's Child

Commented in the game i have the high ground

Commented in the game Terminator with a rose

Commented in the game Legdad

Commented in the game No! That’s wrong!

Commented in the game Buff Diglet

Commented in the game susie kirby