

October 28th, 2019

gontaisababy has drawn 164 drawings and authored 156 captions across 320 games. They follow 5 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 443 emotes!


Commented in the game Orange in a Teacup

Commented in the game Orange in a Teacup

Commented in the game Orange in a Teacup

Commented in the game Orange in a Teacup

Commented in the game Yoda

Commented in the game Pet Seahorse

Commented in the game Danganronpa

Commented in the game Any Jackbox game

Commented in the game Poop Man

Commented in the game Poop Man

Commented in the game nagito komaeda but cloned

Commented in the game Gundham Tanaka

Commented in the game Reeling in a Hamburger

Commented in the game Controversial Piano

Commented in the game Babies with Rabies

Commented in the game Hanamura

Commented in the game Kokichi ouma

Commented in the game Draw snail