

October 29th, 2019

FumeKnight has drawn 2,281 drawings and authored 1,554 captions across 3,835 games. They follow 12 players and have 97 followers. They've earned a total of 10,293 emotes!


Commented in the game Zero (Kirby)

Commented in the game Silly Judge

Commented in the game Firestorm (DC Comics)

Commented in the game draw anything you want

Commented in the game Jedi

Commented in the game Steve Irwin

Commented in the game Supergirl, the Zack Snyder cut.

Commented in the game Giant Singing

Commented in the game Peacock Weatherman

Commented in the game Masahiro Sakurai

Commented in the game Take me to the sea cowboy!

Commented in the game Ornstein and Smough

Commented in the game Cool Superhero

Commented in the game Batman

Commented in the game Doctor Fate (DC Comics)

Commented in the game Resident Evil

Commented in the game Gravity Falls Journals

Commented in the game The Fiddler (DC Comics)

Commented in the game Goth Truck

Commented in the game bloody black knight looking cool