

November 29th, 2019

jadraws has drawn 48 drawings and authored 61 captions across 109 games. They follow 3 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 153 emotes!

Stabbing people is a cool activity May 11th, 2020
Unconscious sausage lady May 10th, 2020
this is an ex-frog, it has ceased to be May 10th, 2020
fat eagle stares with murderous intent May 10th, 2020
Giant snake falling from the sky May 10th, 2020
measuring a peach with a ruler May 10th, 2020
Pet fishing hook May 7th, 2020
Buff zebra agrees May 7th, 2020
Hot suitcase May 6th, 2020
cut a piece from an eggplant May 6th, 2020
Lavender Town May 6th, 2020
Man with a big butt May 5th, 2020
Conkeldurr May 5th, 2020
M&M vs Licorice May 5th, 2020
Step 1: Whatever the last step is May 5th, 2020
spider ate too much cake May 5th, 2020
Aliens are out there May 5th, 2020
Ghost and raccoon meet-cute May 5th, 2020