

December 30th, 2019   YO I’M NOT DEAD ANYMORE AND BACK

Mozora has drawn 732 drawings and authored 865 captions across 1,597 games. They follow 209 players and have 73 followers. They've earned a total of 3,282 emotes!


Commented in the game Red shrek

Commented in the game Evil Helicopter

Commented in the game Outline of Heart on Colored bkg

Commented in the game Goblin Nurse

Commented in the game My Little Robot Pony

Commented in the game Goofy

Commented in the game Bee

Commented in the game Pet Heart

Commented in the game Crystal cat

Commented in the game Evil Glasses

Commented in the game Minecraft is on the Gameboy?!

Commented in the game Minecraft is on the Gameboy?!

Commented in the game Waluigi says ZA WARUDO

Commented in the game Waluigi says ZA WARUDO

Commented in the game Ketchup

Commented in the game bazinga sheldon big bang theory