

February 1st, 2020

forktherapy420 has drawn 223 drawings and authored 168 captions across 391 games. They follow 6 players and have 16 followers. They've earned a total of 1,031 emotes!


Commented in the game Cherry blossom trees

Commented in the game It's Chuck Testa

Commented in the game Chilling avahi with horns

Commented in the game I have no mouth, and I must WAH!

Commented in the game thank you for 1000 emotes!!

Commented in the game Detective Drawing

Commented in the game THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS!

Commented in the game la croix

Commented in the game Emotional Ring

Commented in the game Donut and Carrot hi-fives

Commented in the game small mouse in a big world

Commented in the game Trumpet

Commented in the game sans kisses a homosexual fish

Commented in the game Kurtis Conner

Commented in the game Be More Chill

Commented in the game Be More Chill

Commented in the game Unnus Annus