

February 9th, 2020

Terezzian has drawn 25 drawings and authored 61 captions across 86 games. They've earned a total of 93 emotes!

Flag in a Monsoon Feb 12th, 2020
Brainy Walnut Mar 31st, 2020
YouTube Video Thumbnail May 5th, 2021
Russel (Up) May 25th, 2020
Wooloo imitating charizard May 19th, 2020
Abstract clock May 17th, 2020
get to the sambchoppa May 15th, 2020
The Teletubbies terrible secret! May 17th, 2020
Old man realise needs a eyetest while driving May 29th, 2020
Yee (and I cannot stress this enough) haw May 29th, 2020
Where the sausage gets made May 25th, 2020
crow and man with switched heads Mar 10th, 2020
Confused boat noises??? May 18th, 2020
El Dorado Apr 26th, 2020
Heavy Illustrator May 7th, 2020
Bad Mayor Mar 30th, 2020
A polar bear in a snowstorm Apr 27th, 2020
John Mulaney Apr 25th, 2020