Commented in the game Persona 4
Commented in the game Persona 4
Commented in the game Clyde (Animal Crossing)
Commented in the game what happened to drawceptions home screen uh
Commented in the game Godtier Art of Catch the Rainbow + Blackmore
Commented in the game Space Quest
Commented in the game Do surgery over here! Do surgery over there!
Commented in the game Pet Ketchup
Commented in the game Mario, Mega Man, and Pac-Man
Commented in the game Baker
Commented in the game Anakin Skywalker
Commented in the game Top games are getting the change
Commented in the game Ramicorn
Commented in the game Donald Duck kissing Minnie Mouse
Commented in the game Monster Hunter
Commented in the game Steak Wars
Commented in the game Ferret
Commented in the game 2020 sucks!
Commented in the game 2020 sucks!
Commented in the game Charlie the gum monster