

March 20th, 2020

aijeelee has drawn 569 drawings and authored 246 captions across 815 games. They follow 17 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 1,488 emotes!


Commented in the game Persona 4

Commented in the game Persona 4

Commented in the game Clyde (Animal Crossing)

Commented in the game Space Quest

Commented in the game Pet Ketchup

Commented in the game Mario, Mega Man, and Pac-Man

Commented in the game Baker

Commented in the game Anakin Skywalker

Commented in the game Top games are getting the change

Commented in the game Ramicorn

Commented in the game Donald Duck kissing Minnie Mouse

Commented in the game Monster Hunter

Commented in the game Steak Wars

Commented in the game Ferret

Commented in the game 2020 sucks!

Commented in the game 2020 sucks!

Commented in the game Charlie the gum monster