
Richard Big

March 31st, 2020   innsmouth

Richard Big has drawn 1,368 drawings and authored 1,698 captions across 3,066 games. They follow 176 players and have 124 followers. They've earned a total of 9,294 emotes!


Commented in the game KUH (jjba)

Commented in the game Retro Titan

Commented in the game anasui says trans rights

Commented in the game Free Draw! :)

Commented in the game cursed danganronpa image

Commented in the game Sheep-Ra (sheep she ra)

Commented in the game polnareff

Commented in the game Tickle-Me-Wiggly

Commented in the game Tickle-Me-Wiggly

Commented in the game Hideous Orc

Commented in the game Twitch

Commented in the game Michael Hutchence

Commented in the game Step 1: Summon Cthulhu

Commented in the game Close up penguin

Commented in the game Polnareff (JJBA)

Commented in the game Rainbow flag

Commented in the game Shigechi and a legion of tater tots