

April 16th, 2020

xXPurpleShrekXx has drawn 68 drawings and authored 113 captions across 181 games. They follow 2 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 435 emotes!


Commented in the game Earth and Jupiter

Commented in the game Cookie Artwork

Commented in the game Plumber

Commented in the game trans pride colors Meowth

Commented in the game Gamers don't die Kris, they respawn.

Commented in the game Bugs Bunny from the Basement

Commented in the game Marge from the Year 3000

Commented in the game Car doing YouTube

Commented in the game Peter Griffin cought on camera SUS?!

Commented in the game Toast from the 1800s

Commented in the game Sleep paralysis demon

Commented in the game 1990's Pipe Organ

Commented in the game "Are ya coding, son?"

Commented in the game April 20, 2020, at 4:20

Commented in the game Man consuming infinity gauntlet

Commented in the game Pissing Mario (SFW)

Commented in the game Towel