
Adam B

April 24th, 2020   Here

Adam B has drawn 813 drawings and authored 438 captions across 1,251 games. They follow 7 players and have 28 followers. They've earned a total of 1,908 emotes!


Ok i will not draw any more ducks until epoch 3

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Name: Digging Ugaly (Anas ovisiphiddigor)

Ancestor: Ugaly
Habitat: Waterfowl forest and Mallard Meadows.
Diet: Ducklings eat only grains, The adult Ugaly eats other species eggs and only sometimes grains.
Size: Is on average 30 cm long from head to tail and the legs are 24 cm long
Description: An Ugaly that evolved a bigger and stronger beak to be able to dig up burried eggs.
Timestamp: Mimavem Period - Epoch 2

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Ok one more for me... Probably

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Name: Forrest Kite Ducky (Anas Volituforus)
Habitat: Waterfowl Forrest
Diet: Berries
Size: 25 cm head to tail | 37 cm wingspan
Description: A Kite Ducky that lives in forest´s instead of cold climates. Scince it eats the berries on the ground it has evolved to be smaller to fit through the trees. They also can fly longer because they have more resting time by sitting on trees. They also have started evolving green spots on its body, probably for camoflauge.

Timestamp: Mimavem Period - Epoch 2

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Name: Plumpy (Anas Pilomugos)

Ancestor: Fuzzy
Habitat: Tail feather taiga and Anatica
Diet: Berries and Lichens
Size: 30 cm on average
Description: A Fuzzy that evolved even more feathers and fat so it can survive in the coldest climates. Scince it has so much fat it has completely lost its ability to fly but it can float on watter. Due to it having so many layers of feathers only the biggest predators can penatrate the feathers and kill it.

Timestamp: Mimaven Period - Epoch 2

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Name: Gliding Groundscratcher

Ancestor: Groundscratcher Ducky
Habitat: Mallard Meadows
Diet: Hard nuts
Size: Average size is 37 - 41 cm in length
Description: A Groundscratcher Ducky that lives in the hills of Mallard Meadows and evolved bigger wings for gliding long distances. It has kept its strong beak and sharp claws
Timestamp: Mimavem Period - Epoch 2

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


@Zestie I just wanted the wandering duck to survive to the next epoch and thanks for the answer!

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


I have a question.
Why do i have to wait another epoch to evolve my duck when I only have to wait one to evolve someone else's duck? Also please if there's an extinction please don't let the wandering duck die. That would make me very happy.

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)



Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Name: Cave Ducky (Anas Groundorum)
Ancestor: Ducky
Habitat: Quackade mountain range
Diet: Lichens
Size: 35 cm (beak to tail)
Description: A Ducky that started to live in the caves of the Quackade mountain range. It evolved a slim body to fit in small spaces. It has evolved better vision to see better in the dark.
Timestamp: Mimavem Period - Epoch 1

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


Second word: Penguin

Posted in 3 words - 1 character


Name: Wandering Ducky (Anas Wandorum)
Ancestor: Ducky
Habitat: Tail feather taiga
Diet: Root veggies and Berries
Size: An average Wandering Ducky is about 40 cm (including legs)
Description: A Ducky that evolved longer legs to wander around its habitat to find food. It has also evolved more feathers and thicker fat to survive the cold climates of the Tail feather taiga. The long legs can also help with digging up root veggies.
Timestamp: Mimavem Period - Epoch 1

Posted in Quackler (An Evolution Game)


The edible room
Everything in this room is edible (except for the door)
The room has a taste of strawberry bubblegum, but it isnt, no one knows what the room is made out of

Posted in Drawception bunker


The bunker so far

Posted in Drawception bunker


Delivery submarine
Type: submarine
Length: 101 meters
Capacity: 150 wattertight cardboard boxes
Fuel: Electricity and (insert a ship fuel that i dont know the name of)
Route: United states to either western europe, eastern Russia, western Africa, eastern Asia or Canada
Additional info: The boxes can be used as torpedos for either delivery or self defence

Posted in Drawception Shipping Company


This game went big fast

Posted in Drawception Shipping Company


@Penguin Minded the first word in your name is amazing

Posted in Change OP of a thread


The doritos factory
Makes doritos

Posted in Drawception bunker


SS Golden duck
Type: Container ship
Length: 200 meters
Capacity: 0-10.000 containers and 4 helicopters
Speed: 29 knots
Fuel: Whatever fuel a normal container ship uses
Route: United states-Western europe
Additional info: Helicopters are used for delivering containers further inland

Posted in Drawception Shipping Company