

April 27th, 2020   In your walls

KawiiDino has drawn 280 drawings and authored 261 captions across 541 games. They follow 14 players and have 25 followers. They've earned a total of 1,256 emotes!


Commented in the game Delelele WHOOP!

Commented in the game T-Rex Pilot

Commented in the game wide snake.

Commented in the game Draw your pet

Commented in the game Pipe Organ

Commented in the game A chair. Nothing else.

Commented in the game Charles Calvin does an UwU

Commented in the game T-Rex Pilot

Commented in the game Cool Mickey Mouse

Commented in the game Step 1: Meet Yui (K-ON!) in person

Commented in the game Architect

Commented in the game Pizza

Commented in the game Parakeet Mayor

Commented in the game Cool Mickey Mouse

Commented in the game Cow of your Dreams

Commented in the game Cow of your Dreams

Commented in the game Closet Toy

Commented in the game Minnie Mouse