Welcome to Drawception! It's like the "Telephone Game", but with drawing. Join the Fun!
Smug Cyanide&Happiness face
15 player public game completed on January 24th, 2017
2,163 31 18 hrs
vet game
@Capn_zombeh the man with the yellow hat, he is a character from curious George.
@mediocreme I cry when people don't understand Curoous George references :'(
@b gore Oh how I wish to submit those drawings I can only draw with putting dots on the panel. The phone doesn't let me submit...
Also, the Internet broke my childhood again: http://orig04.deviantart.net/818f/f/2015/026/6/7/the_man_with_the_yellow_hat_by_hansideburns-d8fkcg9.png
@KupcakeKrazy ಠಿ_ಠ
hansideburns, apparently. http://hansideburns.deviantart.com/art/banana-pancakes-510118301