

March 28th, 2012   Greeley, Colorado

Eric10319 has drawn 517 drawings and authored 801 captions across 1,318 games. They follow 3 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 4,718 emotes!


Commented in the game Perth, Australia

Commented in the game Donald Thornberry for president

Commented in the game Somewhere over the rainbow

Commented in the game Somewhere over the rainbow

Commented in the game A picturesque sunset

Commented in the game DRAW ME AN ANDROID!

Commented in the game DRAW ME AN ANDROID!

Commented in the game Jeremy Corbyn

Commented in the game A Swiss Army Lightsaber

Commented in the game Scottish Snowman

Commented in the game Persona 4

Commented in the game Same

Commented in the game Scottish Snowman

Commented in the game One-Punch Man

Commented in the game One-Punch Man

Commented in the game Favorite Fandom, PIO

Commented in the game Over the rainbow

Commented in the game Jughead feeding Archie

Commented in the game Anime Wendy's

Commented in the game Epic Handshake from Predator.