
Generally paper

May 10th, 2021

Generally paper has drawn 79 drawings and authored 96 captions across 175 games. They follow 3 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 299 emotes!


Commented in the game Furries at a convention

Commented in the game Goofy Violin

Commented in the game Snow White

Commented in the game Gnome from the Past

Commented in the game The average furry

Commented in the game Electric Mayor

Commented in the game Electric Mayor

Commented in the game Catching a Door

Commented in the game spamton

Commented in the game silly cat!!

Commented in the game silly cat!!

Commented in the game Epic Apple

Commented in the game D and Jazza killing DVBG

Commented in the game Goofy Violin

Commented in the game D and Jazza killing DVBG

Commented in the game Octopus finds a Magic 8 Ball

Commented in the game Clown Shopping

Commented in the game hehetmon

Commented in the game Noodles

Commented in the game Tord