
Feli joseph

June 20th, 2021   Indonesia

Feli joseph has drawn 116 drawings and authored 134 captions across 250 games. They follow 2 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 416 emotes!


Commented in the game Devil Lady

Commented in the game Crow crossed with Rice

Commented in the game Silly Minotaur

Commented in the game Eevee and Pikachu

Commented in the game farting

Commented in the game farting

Commented in the game farting

Commented in the game 5 Star River

Commented in the game farting

Commented in the game farting

Commented in the game SCP 999 eats fast food

Commented in the game SimCity

Commented in the game SCP 173 gets corrupted 50 percent

Commented in the game Magic Bagel

Commented in the game Last Place Paleontologist

Commented in the game The letter 'y' screaming WHY!?

Commented in the game wimpy wimpy wimpy Hefty Hefty Hefty

Commented in the game wimpy wimpy wimpy Hefty Hefty Hefty

Commented in the game wimpy wimpy wimpy Hefty Hefty Hefty

Commented in the game SCP 131 stare at SCP 173