

July 14th, 2021   Pawnee, Indiana

BurtMacklinFBI has drawn 314 drawings and authored 814 captions across 1,128 games. They follow 2 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 1,969 emotes!


Commented in the game Chuck Quizmo (Paper Mario 64)

Commented in the game Luigi says "Wowie Zowie"

Commented in the game Spring Investor

Commented in the game Wally from papa’s tacoria

Commented in the game Calm Soldier

Commented in the game Pale Dragon

Commented in the game Pale Dragon

Commented in the game Purple guy from FNaF is Thanos

Commented in the game fnf character chasing Mario

Commented in the game get to del taco!

Commented in the game Hot Dish

Commented in the game Vampire stream

Commented in the game Dio with drip

Commented in the game Guyana's flag mistaken for a gay one

Commented in the game Iran

Commented in the game Glimmer baseball az-0 oak-12