

July 14th, 2021   Pawnee, Indiana

BurtMacklinFBI has drawn 314 drawings and authored 814 captions across 1,128 games. They follow 2 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 1,969 emotes!

Green Day Saviors album cover Jan 23rd
Weezer Blue Album Mar 27th, 2023
Kazuhira Miller's hamburgers Nov 4th, 2022
Eat up, kids VS Eat up kids Sep 3rd, 2022
Every demographic Aug 31st, 2022
Turi ip ip ip vs wenamechainsama Aug 20th, 2022
Everybody expected the Spanish Inquisition Dec 12th, 2021
guy in the orange and black void Dec 8th, 2021
Draw me like one of your French muppets Dec 1st, 2021
Pickle Bart Griffin Nov 5th, 2021
Abstract microsoft powerpoint word art Oct 28th, 2021
Red Riding Hood Oct 18th, 2021
Rickroll but with Pokémon Oct 12th, 2021
Mario Oct 11th, 2021
Is this a prompt? Oct 11th, 2021
Make us laugh. Go on. Oct 4th, 2021
Sheldon Cooper has had enough Sep 7th, 2021
Back at it again at Krispy Kreme Sep 6th, 2021