
Edward EIric

October 6th, 2021   Resembool

Edward EIric has drawn 92 drawings and authored 149 captions across 241 games. They follow 2 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 560 emotes!

King K. Roll is on the Naughty List Dec 15th, 2021
Businessman with strange shaped US flag Dec 14th, 2021
Edward Elric using alchemy Dec 14th, 2021
emo man Dec 14th, 2021
Pokemon logic Dec 14th, 2021
cool tails Dec 14th, 2021
stack of 100 dollars Dec 14th, 2021
Mutual divorce of squirrel and caterpillar Dec 13th, 2021
fireman does a good job Dec 13th, 2021
a platypus? Dec 13th, 2021
Blue cat is super sad Dec 13th, 2021
banana i think? Dec 13th, 2021
you can't escape the sus Dec 13th, 2021
Make sure you are bffs with a nerd Dec 13th, 2021
Waluigi and Wario become gods and cause 9/11 Dec 13th, 2021
Naked guy with sunglasses struts through road Dec 13th, 2021
Glass of wine Dec 13th, 2021
get stickbugged Dec 12th, 2021