

March 29th, 2012   Mariposa, California

James16318 has drawn 34 drawings and authored 159 captions across 193 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 1,301 emotes!


Commented in the game [VGS]

Commented in the game Turtletopia

Commented in the game charles darwin riding a giant turtle

Commented in the game Red Bull gives you wings

Commented in the game frosty the dope-man

Commented in the game Fluffy kitten defeats communism

Commented in the game Browser logos fight to the death

Commented in the game Master Chief rapping

Commented in the game Skylander's Newest Character

Commented in the game Snorlax bakes a cake.

Commented in the game Oprah boxes Santorum

Commented in the game All glory to the hypnotoad

Commented in the game An artist's worst nightmare

Commented in the game Republican

Commented in the game All glory to the hypnotoad