

May 13th, 2012   Austin, Texas

ProtagonistHeavy has drawn 97 drawings and authored 27 captions across 124 games. They follow 5 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 216 emotes!


Commented in the game These pretzels are making me thirsty

Commented in the game French music

Commented in the game Andy Warhol eating a hamburg

Commented in the game Batman is Robin's sidekick

Commented in the game LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY!!!!

Commented in the game a picture paints 1000 words

Commented in the game superhappyninjadragongocartfuntime

Commented in the game superhappyninjadragongocartfuntime

Commented in the game Spongebob Vs Aang

Commented in the game Duke Nukem Hits on Tifa Lockheart

Commented in the game zergling loves sunken colony

Commented in the game Sonic and Tails in love

Commented in the game Prawn does pr0n

Commented in the game PanPoni Dash!