

July 17th, 2012   Texas

xBenji65 has drawn 217 drawings and authored 152 captions across 369 games. They follow 0 players and have 5 followers. They've earned a total of 1,409 emotes!


Commented in the game Flyingfish

Commented in the game Hamster Advertiser

Commented in the game Battlefield

Commented in the game Waffleception

Commented in the game Galaxy

Commented in the game Galaxy

Commented in the game Waldo turns super saiyan

Commented in the game Suzumi Kuzu

Commented in the game Draw yourself being dumb PIO

Commented in the game The Bubblegum Fairy

Commented in the game Gotta break fast!

Commented in the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles

Commented in the game Vampire singing Beatles songs

Commented in the game Vampire singing Beatles songs

Commented in the game Paper-thin believing rapping dog.

Commented in the game Gone in 60 Seconds

Commented in the game 2 3 1. 23 is number 1!