

August 13th, 2012   Laval, Quebec

imzadi481 has drawn 74 drawings and authored 146 captions across 220 games. They follow 0 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 268 emotes!


Commented in the game Stairway To Heaven

Commented in the game YouTube

Commented in the game A cute sushi

Commented in the game Bill Cipher (gravity Falls)

Commented in the game A rainbow.

Commented in the game fallout

Commented in the game bent Iphone

Commented in the game mr game n watch sees his nega-self

Commented in the game A Bee dog

Commented in the game Silly Solar System

Commented in the game Catcalling

Commented in the game Santa Claus in Summer

Commented in the game Octopus is off de rails

Commented in the game "i'm, uhh, glad you were born"

Commented in the game Rejoice; DerailDanish is no more.

Commented in the game Rejoice; DerailDanish is no more.

Commented in the game I'm just a man with a blue box.