

December 28th, 2012

jubjub has drawn 60 drawings and authored 50 captions across 110 games. They follow 7 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 379 emotes!


Commented in the game Mitt Romney laughing it off

Commented in the game Mitt Romney laughing it off

Commented in the game STOP! Hammer time!

Commented in the game Battlefield 4 - Modern Peaceful!

Commented in the game Kitty cat robs lemonade stand.

Commented in the game Battlefield 4 - Modern Peaceful!

Commented in the game Sarcastic exorcist

Commented in the game Sarcastic exorcist

Commented in the game Mario-tle Kombat

Commented in the game M&M's do a big war with Mr. Tayto.

Commented in the game M&M's do a big war with Mr. Tayto.

Commented in the game a A BABY JESUS BUTPLUG!!1!

Commented in the game Quentin Tarantino characters meet

Commented in the game Elmo goes Gangnam!!!

Commented in the game My Name is Inigo Montoya...

Commented in the game your favourite meme

Commented in the game Captain video doing somersault.

Commented in the game Captain video doing somersault.