

March 26th, 2013   United Kingdom

Jimlaad43 has drawn 298 drawings and authored 1,177 captions across 1,475 games. They follow 73 players and have 63 followers. They've earned a total of 10,844 emotes!


Commented in the game Well, I'm gonna do a book!

Commented in the game Back to the future...10/21/2015

Commented in the game Best Spaceship(Fictional Media)?

Commented in the game Coca-Cola

Commented in the game If Breaking Bad were in the U.K

Commented in the game Drawception's major flaw

Commented in the game Skrillex/Snorlax crossover

Commented in the game I like Trains

Commented in the game Captain Seal holds up green O

Commented in the game G is for seal

Commented in the game Jesus rides a velociraptor.

Commented in the game Pound sign abstract art

Commented in the game Pound sign abstract art

Commented in the game Zoidberg "It's a trap!"

Commented in the game The Great Mosque of Samarra

Commented in the game upside down sunrise

Commented in the game Blastoise ate too many tires