

April 21st, 2013

Boronko has drawn 451 drawings and authored 462 captions across 913 games. They follow 50 players and have 49 followers. They've earned a total of 5,837 emotes!


Commented in the game The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Commented in the game pretend to derail this game

Commented in the game pretend to derail this game

Commented in the game Fetching your Drawception game...

Commented in the game Fetching your Drawception game...

Commented in the game Plants hate bees.

Commented in the game pretend to derail this game

Commented in the game I can't believe its butter salesmen

Commented in the game a skeleton

Commented in the game a skeleton

Commented in the game a skeleton

Commented in the game UnDerail

Commented in the game UnDerail

Commented in the game UnDerail

Commented in the game Need more power...

Commented in the game UnDerail

Commented in the game Cool black haired wizard

Commented in the game Cool black haired wizard