

April 21st, 2013

Boronko has drawn 451 drawings and authored 462 captions across 913 games. They follow 50 players and have 49 followers. They've earned a total of 5,837 emotes!


Commented in the game Dapper Pirahna is out for a stroll.

Commented in the game Ancient Egypt TV

Commented in the game Euro sign

Commented in the game I see a butterfly, what do you see?

Commented in the game The First Gameboy Game you played

Commented in the game Frankenstein

Commented in the game Mona Lisa gets a bad makeover

Commented in the game Hey! Listen!

Commented in the game Nyancat on LSD

Commented in the game Om nom

Commented in the game XBox One vs Playstation 4

Commented in the game cute epson projector with legs

Commented in the game Nyancat on LSD

Commented in the game Nyancat on LSD

Commented in the game Nyancat on LSD