

May 27th, 2013   Fairfax, Virginia

FlaxAttack has drawn 300 drawings and authored 759 captions across 1,059 games. They follow 44 players and have 36 followers. They've earned a total of 7,032 emotes!


Commented in the game Red is the sexiest color

Commented in the game Jamie Hyneman

Commented in the game Red is the sexiest color

Commented in the game Red is the sexiest color

Commented in the game Red is the sexiest color

Commented in the game Draw what I think of right now

Commented in the game Happy Tree Friends are at it again!

Commented in the game Whoopi Goldberg's eyebrows

Commented in the game new vet! draw me something scary

Commented in the game Otter wants to be the very best

Commented in the game Hungry Shark Evolution!

Commented in the game The Brain Gremlin Strikes Back?

Commented in the game The Riddler on the Roof

Commented in the game The Riddler on the Roof

Commented in the game Hungry Shark Evolution!

Commented in the game Hungry Shark Evolution!