

July 31st, 2013   Tucson AZ

Tammy has drawn 761 drawings and authored 1,015 captions across 1,776 games. They follow 27 players and have 27 followers. They've earned a total of 6,716 emotes!


Commented in the game Pop team epic with DDLC

Commented in the game Pop team epic with DDLC

Commented in the game DONT WATCH SHREK 2 AT 3AM

Commented in the game Dog spits on Hyena

Commented in the game Snake Bar

Commented in the game That drives me up a wall

Commented in the game Ferret on a Ferris Wheel.

Commented in the game No, I don

Commented in the game stinky fish

Commented in the game Holy Guacamole!

Commented in the game Holy Guacamole!

Commented in the game Favorite Cartoon Character (PIO)

Commented in the game Zap Rowsdower

Commented in the game You're a bum Rocky Skeltor

Commented in the game I'm Mr.Meeseeks! Look at me!!

Commented in the game How skeletons drink.