
Jason Anaminus

September 19th, 2014

Jason Anaminus has drawn 234 drawings and authored 96 captions across 330 games. They follow 7 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 1,626 emotes!


Commented in the game ITS HIP TO FUCK BEES

Commented in the game Zombies attack klan

Commented in the game pixel smile

Commented in the game pixel smile

Commented in the game If we burn, you burn with us!

Commented in the game A cow jumping over the moon.

Commented in the game cristiano ronaldo dressed as a clown

Commented in the game coyote ugly

Commented in the game 50 shades of grey

Commented in the game an assclown

Commented in the game Hats, the new boats for ducks

Commented in the game The Most Kawaii Easter Bunny Ever

Commented in the game bugs bunny on crack