

October 14th, 2014   Canada

moomjin has drawn 1,178 drawings and authored 1,319 captions across 2,497 games. They follow 73 players and have 33 followers. They've earned a total of 5,849 emotes!


Commented in the game Giraffe

Commented in the game Milkception

Commented in the game Hairdresser

Commented in the game Exotic Square

Commented in the game Exotic Square

Commented in the game a south park reference

Commented in the game Fly crossing a River

Commented in the game Kid Doctor

Commented in the game step 1. eat a whole piece of lettuce

Commented in the game Guess who wrote this caption!

Commented in the game monkey is moon key

Commented in the game Human Gnome

Commented in the game Mystical Gargoyle

Commented in the game Beelon Musk

Commented in the game inflation

Commented in the game Dinosaur Scientist